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Immediate x Macmillan Cancer Support

0m 20s

Let's Do Coffee

Live dates: July – September 2023 | Key brands: Good Food, olive, Delicious, Radio Times

The challenge

Macmillan Cancer Support wanted to raise awareness of  – and participation in – its largest fundraising event: the Macmillan Coffee Morning. The charity aimed to target women aged 35+ and show that they don’t need to be the next Mary Berry or hire the local village hall to host a Macmillan Coffee Morning.


  • Drive registrations for Coffee Morning 2023
  • Drive repeat sign ups of existing audiences to nudge past hosts to take part again
  • Provide inspiration for hosts, and increase excitement for the event on, or around, Friday, 29 September


We aimed to inspire bakers of all abilities, backgrounds and circumstances to hold a Macmillan Coffee Morning in a way that’s right for them: no doilies, cake stands or silverware are required, just a few like-minded individuals and a Macmillan Coffee Morning kit.

This playful, disruptive campaign leveraged our food portfolio’s trusted editorial expertise to create inspirational yet achievable recipes for Macmillan coffee mornings, and riff off of our recognisable visual style in an impactful and inclusive way to put Macmillan front of mind.

The campaign included:

  • Macmillan Coffee Mornings hub featuring recipe inspiration and info to host your own Macmillan Coffee Morning
  • Supporting print content in Good Food, olive, Delicious and Radio Times
  • Social video campaign showing the recipes being enjoyed in a range of unusual locations
  • Digital takeovers of our most popular editorial baking recipes
  • Interactive spinner digital ad creative, driving users to a random recipe on the hub
  • Podcast sponsorship

Campaign performance

  • 89k

    hub page impressions (60k KPI)


  • .63%

    takeover CTR (benchmark .3%)

  • 7.9m

    reach across all social posts


  • 193%

    overdelivery on video starts


  • 9k

    clicks from hub (10% CTR)


By partnering with Immediate, we were able to use their trusted and relevant platforms to reach new audiences. With the authority of brands such as Good Food, which is one of the biggest players in the food space and the go-to destination for anyone who wants a great (and reliable!) recipe, we were able show a different side to the usual perception of Macmillan Coffee Morning, and inspire our amazing hosts with fun and creative ideas for their own events.”

– Claire Spencer, Marketing Manager, National Marketing (Fundraising)

Claire Spencer, Macmillan Cancer Support


Amongst those who saw and recalled the campaign, we saw the following increases…

  • +42%

    rise in donation consideration

    Brand Uplift Study

  • +14%

    increase in favourability

    Brand Uplift Study

  • 61%

    took action

    Brand Uplift Study

  • 15%

    likely to sign up

    Brand Uplift Study

Campaign outcomes

  • Of those who recalled the campaign, 92% are either very or quite favourable towards Macmillan Cancer Support – a +14% uplift against those unable to recall the campaign.
  • 95% of this recall group were aware specifically of Macmillan’s Coffee Morning, a 7% uplift from those who could not recall the campaign.
  • We saw a 36% uplift in those who said they were “very likely” to donate to Macmillan Cancer Support, compared to those who could not recall the campaign.
  • 4% of the recall group said they had already signed up to host a Macmillan Coffee Morning.
  • Meta reported a 98.5% positive sentiment to social assets.