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Immediate x Taylor & Colledge

3m 00s

Bringing flavour to life

Live dates: March-May and September-December 2023 | Key brands: Good Food, olive and Delicious

The challenge

Despite 120 years of experience creating vanilla extract, paste and pods, consumer awareness of Taylor & Colledge was limited.

Taylor & Colledge is a trusted brand that prides itself on delivering intense, consistent and natural flavour in its products. The brand was keen to grow market share by conveying its position as a flavour expert. It was also keen to raise awareness of its sustainability credentials.

Immediate was tasked with telling Taylor & Colledge’s story to our scaled audience of home cooks.


  • Raise awareness of the Taylor & Colledge brand.
  • Establish the brand positioning of ‘Bring Flavour to Life’, emphasising quality and flavour credentials.
  • Promote key messages around expertise, quality ingredients, sustainability, and product range.


In partnership with Lisa Faulkner, we created inspiring recipes and informative content for baking enthusiasts, showing how Taylor & Colledge products can elevate their bakes to the next level:

  • Microsite (including recipes, videos, articles, and competitions)
  • Social campaign (driving to hub)
  • Print articles (Good Food, olive and Delicious)
  • Targeted digital display campaign
  • Supporting video content
  • Podcast sponsorship

Campaign performance

  • 11m

    digital impressions delivered

    (41% over target)

  • 3.5m

    video views across platforms

    (36% over target)

  • 409k

    hub pageviews

    (143% over target)

  • 52k

    competition entries

  • 65%

    data opt-in rate

“Lisa was the perfect ambassador for Taylor & Colledge – not only is she friendly, relatable and down-to-earth, but she’s also highly respected in the baking world and much of our audience is inspired by her.”

Sam Pietrasiewicz, Head of Partnerships

Sam Pietrasiewicz, Head of Partnerships, Imagine, Immediate
Contact Sam for more information

Post-campaign research

In Immediate's post-campaign research, we saw the following uplifts among those who recalled the campaign…

  • 113%

    uplift in prompted awareness

  • 117%

    uplift in consideration

  • 200%

    uplift in +ve perception

  • 55%

    of recall group took action

    e.g. intent to buy

  • 214%

    uplift in brand advocacy

  • 400%

    uplift in strapline awareness

Campaign outcomes

  • Prompted awareness of Taylor & Colledge more than doubled amongst those who recalled the campaign with triple digit uplifts across the key metrics of perception (+200%), consideration (+117%) and advocacy (+214%).
  • We saw uplift in associations with the following words: quality (146%), premium (147%), sustainability (167%).
  • We also saw a 333% increase amongst those people who agreed with the statement: “It is better quality that other brands.”
  • There was a 4x increase in association between Taylor & Colledge and the “bring flavour to life” strapline.
  • Overall, 55% of those who recalled the campaign intended to take acton as a result. Intention to cook a featured recipe was the top reaction.